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Consulting & Advisory

Our consulting and advisory services fall into two key categories


Blockchain and Digital Asset Advisory



Innovation for Financial Services Companies

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Blockchain and Digital Asset Advisory

We have a breadth of experience in finance and technology which we use to advise:


  • Companies and foundations planning digital asset offerings, as well as

  • Financial services firms as they engage in both public and private blockchain projects.



  1. Clients planning digital asset sales value our advice in a number of key areas:


a) Business Planning

The process of fund raising through digital asset offerings or ICOs is the first step toward realising a business plan. We recognise this and help projects ensure that they have robust financial and commercial plans to maximise the future potential of their technologies and inclusive operating models.


b) A Sounding Board

With our own experience in both financial markets, technology, innovation and starting up our own businesses we are able to act as a sounding board for entrepreneurs as they develop and evolve their plans. We can offer both "light touch" and "comprehensive engagement" service levels to our clients depending on their needs, experience levels and areas of expertise.


c) White-paper Review and Challenge

Many client come to us with draft whitepapers for critical review and completion. We have clear views on best practice for whitepaper disclosure and completeness and are able to provide constructive feedback on both content and style. We offer frank and honest challenge to project sponsors in the early stages of development and encourage a collaborative approach to project development.


d) Governance and Compliance

Rules and regulations in the crypto asset world remain inconsistent, but they are generally converging towards approaches which already exist in financial markets. With our many years experience in managing businesses in the fiat world covering Foreign Exchange, Fixed Income, Equity Capital Markets and Structured Products in multiple highly regulated jurisdictions we are uniquely positioned to help digital asset issuers develop products and services as well as whitepapers and marketing materials which minimise the risk of future regulatory censure. This in turn increases the ability of those projects to gain access to the fiat banking system which is a key condition for future success for many crypto asset projects.


e) Due Diligence

We are able to perform professional investor level due diligence on projects, helping founders to devise corporate / foundation structures, polices and procedures which will enable them to prepare for future investor due diligence and review.


f) Social / Environmental Impact Assessment

Great blockchain based projects are principled and may focus on Prof. David Lee’s 4Ds: decentralization, democratization, digitalization and disintermediation. As such, reputable projects are started with the objective to serve and share in their respective communities and solve big problems such as financial inclusion. At times it is hard to establish how successful such projects are. With our SROI (Social Return on Investment) Practitioner Trained experts we can conduct assessments to add the required transparency.


g) Investment

For projects where we engage we may consider making early stage investment commitments either in cash or through contribution of our time and service to align our interests with those of the project and its principals.



2. Financial institutions appreciate our support in the key areas.


The advisory services we offer to mainstream financial institutions is complementary to that which we offer digital asset issuers. With our deep involvement in many public blockchain projects we are able to assist and advise banks, asset managers and insurance companies on engagement with the new, digital and distributed economy. 


While many firms are exploring application of private blockchain technology to improve their processes, efficiency and customer propositions, others are seeking ways to engage with public blockchain projects as a way to seek out new opportunities for inclusive growth and to serve a particular community. 


We can help firms understand the risks, opportunities and threats that distributed ledger technology and its applications create for their organizations and clients. We leverage our network to support clients seeking to engage with the developing ecosystems.


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